Weight Loss without Exercise. Really, is it possible to lose weight without the pain of exercise or without dieting? Who loves to exercise or diet? Just a few of us. 

Why Lose Weight?

The increased weight of a person leads to many issues. Some of them can be heart diseases, high cholesterol, lethargy, and low state of morale. A fit body is a home to a fit soul. There are a lot of methods available today with which we can lose that fat tummy. 

Both exercising and dieting are quite difficult and take a long time. (Read our article on Running and Walking)The difficulty level of these methods would be subdued if these would be quick to show effect. Exercising takes more than a month to show effect and the same is the case with dieting. They just simply take too long to show effects. Pumpkin Seeds & Coffee also help to reduce weight.

Tip 1. Stay Hydrated & Stay Blessed

Water helps the metabolism of the body. Drinking more water will improve our metabolism. 

Metabolism helps us to digest food faster. Thus, those extra calories do not remain in our bodies.

Regularly drinking water makes us feel less hungry. This helps to eat less food. 

Tip 2. Reduce Sugar Intake

Sugar is the easiest source of energy available to the body. It directly remains in the body as fat. 

We should reduce sugar intake to eventually cut it down to zero. 

Start by gradually cutting down the quantity of sugar in meals. Over a period of time tolerance is built in the body to enjoy food or drinks with less sugar also. 

Tip 3. Avoid Alcohol

They say “Alcohol consumption is not good for health”. But there is something more to it. The snacks that we have with Alcohol contribute more towards weight gain rather than Alcohol itself. 

Though it is not easy to avoid enjoying life. Alcohol and healthy snacks go well. And can help kickstart your weight loss without exercise journey. 

Tip 4. Use a Small Plate

It is a psychological exercise. Usually, we tend to eat up all the food on our plates. So in case of a bigger plate, we end up having more food. 

Take a smaller plate and refill it if required. This method when done with other methods mentioned above will help in a great way in consistently done. 

Tip 5. Use Air Fryer

Usually, the snacks that we eat are deep or shallow-fried in refined oil. This doubles the calorie count of that snack. 

The method to combat it is to use the air fryer. A very little quantity of oil is used in it. Thus, the count of calories is controlled in it. 

If an air fryer is not available then steam cooking can also be used. Though the taste of the food item changes by this method. But it is a great way to help in weight loss without exercise. 

The taste of the food item with the steam cooking technique can also be great. This required practice and time. 

Tip 6. Bit of Munching if Craving

Rather than having typical meals when you are hungry. 

It is better to keep on having a small quantity of food at regular intervals that will help you not feel hungry and overall food intake will be reduced. 

Tip 7. Good Sleep

Sleep deprivation can lead to an increase in stress. Stress makes Ghrelin in the body which is responsible for the increase in appetite. 

We end up having more food when the body has not got good sleep. 

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