We all are too busy in our daily routines. Busy to the extent that we forget to take care of ourselves. This lack of self-care over some time leads to declining health and mental state.
We need to take care of our health as we take care of our money and other dear things.
But how to go about self-care? There is a plethora of ideas available on the internet that are seen as quite intriguing. These ideas leave us with a decision dilemma.
It becomes very difficult to decide what is it that we need to do for self-care. We know that it is very important to self-care but how to do it is the question.
It is quite a complex topic. So how to make it simple? Medhini has come up with 4 specific principles for self-care. These principles are easy to understand and even easier to follow. These will help you to self-care even if you are too busy.
These will bring about a paradigm shift in your life. Medhini has been writing about health and lifestyle in its blogs. But we are addressing self-care for the first time.
Rightly so because it is the most important aspect of our lives. So, let us get on to these 4 Principles right away.
4 Principles of How to Self Care
1. Physical Self Care
2. Self-Care of Mentality
3. Recreational.
4. Social.
Let us now address them one by one.
How to Self Care?
Physical Self Care
Just as the name suggests, it involves exercising, a healthy diet, and a balanced daily routine involving your body.
Let us start with the easier things first.
It is a basic practice that we can do with minimal effort. 7-8 hours of sleep is required for a healthy body.
It is the beauty of nature that while the body is asleep, it is healing and getting ready for the task ahead the next day. If we don’t take proper sleep then mental and physical health starts to decline.
Healthy Diet
Food is the basic fuel that we take to give the required energy to our body. It has to be balanced in all aspects. Be it vitamins, carbs, and proteins.
Having plenty of water during the day also forms part of a balanced diet.
Medhini speaks of exercising as the last of Physical self-care because it can be put last in priorities. After ensuring sleep and a balanced diet.
Then only exercising will be beneficial. You need not hit the gym, it can be a regular walk in the colony park or a casual jog. Any sort of exercise is beneficial if done regularly.
Self Care of Mentality
It is all about having a healthy and positive mental state. It can be developed by reducing the level of stress and by regularly learning.
Reading books also gives us a healthy and positive mental state. Various ways to healthy and positive mental state are:
You can start by meditating for 5-8 mins daily. Initially, it will be very difficult. But slowly and gradually you can catch up and meditate better.
It just requires a calm and clutter-free mindset. We will write soon about how to meditate.
Diary Writing
It is a very creative habit that we are losing touch with day by day. If we follow this habit daily then it can be one of the major stress busters of our day.
It helps us appreciate our day better. Thus, mental well-being is due to clarity.
Put the Phone Away
These days social media are a major distraction in our day-to-day lives. These are engineered to take our attention away.
We need to identify the time when we will put the phone or any such device away. This will help us concentrate better and will enhance productivity.
This will further lead to a great state of mental well-being.
It is all about taking out time for hobbies and new life experiences. It helps us to get away from office pressure. Helps us to step back and to enjoy life as a child. Various activities can be undertaken:
Pursue Your Hobbies
If you don’t have one then just do what you like. Eventually, you will find the right hobby for you.
Adventure Activities
Various clubs offer you adventure activities as a package. It can be trekking, hiking, marathon, jungle safari, or cliff climbing.
Spend Time with Family
It has a very important aspect of bonding with the family. it will help reduce stress and leads to self-care.
Human is a social being. It is about connecting with other fellow humans. Social connection has to be regular.
It helps us maintain healthy and long relationships. Being socially acceptable gives us a sense of social security and belongingness. It can be done by:
Calling or Speaking
We all would agree that slowly we lose touch with some of our college mates or childhood friends.
We get too busy with life and forget. But speaking at regular intervals is very important. It builds that person’s rapport.
Connect to your Community
We all belong to one or the other community. There can be more than one as well. It should be an endeavor to regularly connect and contribute time and emotions to the community.
Taking care of self doesn’t mean only self-care but care for self too. It is rightly said that you glow differently when you are happy from the core. So, dear readers take great care of yourself. Exercise, Meditate, connect and be on a higher spiritual ground.