Home Remedies for Cold

The cold and flu season is back which means that our immune system gets considerably weaker. We understand that the required medicines might not always be readily available at your home.

This is why we have compiled a list of effective home remedies for colds, each of which requires ingredients that are normally present in the household.

7 Effective Home Remedies for Cold

Tulsi Kashayam/ Tulsi ka kadha

Most Indian households have a tulsi plant and if you don’t then you should consider having one. This is because tulsi is a powerful herb with many medicinal benefits.

So how to prepare tulsi kashayam?

  • Heat a pan and add water and tulsi leaves to it. 
  • Once you start to notice some changes in the colour of the water, add ginger powder, black pepper, and palm sugar and let it boil for some time.
  • Your tulsi ka kadha is ready to be served.

This is one of the most ancient and effective home remedies for colds that originated in India.


While honey in itself is a potent home remedy for colds, it can also be mixed in warm lemon water or tea to treat sore throats.

A study was conducted wherein honey was given to many children in the age range of 1 to 5 suffering from respiratory tract infection. Only 2 teaspoons of honey before bedtime was found to considerably reduce cough and induce better sleep among these children.

In fact, a few studies have also concluded that honey is on par with dextromethorphan, a drug that acts like a cough suppressant. However, please note that you should not give honey to a child less than 1 year old due to the risk of infant botulism, a serious disease. You can buy some authentic Honey here.


Besides its fragrance, did you know that cinnamon is also one of the best home remedies for colds?

You can make some cinnamon tea or have cinnamon with honey to relieve yourself of the symptoms of a cold.

Cinnamon tea is an easy recipe. Make tea like you normally do and simply add a pinch of cinnamon powder to it. There, you are done! Enjoy your healthy and delicious tea. You can also add some ginger for added advantage.


Have you ever wondered where garlic gets its strong scent from? Allicin is a major compound that is responsible for this ever-lasting smell. It is also responsible for protection against many kinds of viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

You can consume garlic in many ways. For example, you can chew garlic raw, cook food with garlic, use garlic supplements, and so on.

If you think garlic is widely used in India for its medicinal properties, you are mistaken. It is also one of the best-selling herbal supplements in the United States of America.

Inhale Steam

It goes without saying that inhaling steam is one of the most effective and easy home remedies for colds. If you do not have a vaporizer device, simply boil a bowl of water and inhale the steam by putting a cloth over your head.

Steam is effective against sinus infection, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, and allergies.

Did you know taking steam before bedtime also helps to improve the quality of your sleep? A study conducted on men found that those who inhaled steam before bed fell asleep quickly and experienced less bedtime anxiety.

Turmeric Milk/ Haldi Doodh

If you are an Indian kid, turmeric milk must have been an inescapable recipe during a cold. Most of you only drank it on the insistence of your elders but do you actually know the reason behind its effectiveness?

Turmeric contains curcumin. This helps to lower inflammation levels in patients which in turn helps to ward off diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and so on.

It is also effective against bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

You can add some cinnamon or ginger to your haldi doodh or golden milk as a final blow to the cold germs.


Yes, raisins also act as one of the best home remedies for colds.

Dr. Sanjay Hedge, a general physician, has said that raisins are effective against dry cough. In fact, the dried fruit is considered a natural cough suppressant.

Thus, instead of buying medicines like cough lozenges, make sure to chew on some raisins for relief from cold.


This concludes our list of home remedies for colds. In a world where seasonal sniffles threaten, your kitchen might just hold the key to relief.

Embrace the power of home remedies for cold—Tulsi kadha, honey’s sweet touch, cinnamon’s warmth, garlic’s pungent shield, steam’s comforting embrace, golden Turmeric Milk, and the surprising hero, raisins.

These simple, time-tested solutions are not just grandma’s tales; they’re your arsenal against the common cold. So, bid adieu to over-the-counter woes and let the homegrown magic of these transform your sniffles into smiles. Your kitchen, the ultimate healer, awaits your call. Cheers to health! Read more on such remedies here.


What are some natural home remedies for colds?

Some natural home remedies for cold include Tulsi kashayam drink, honey, Cinnamon tea, garlic, steam, turmeric milk, and raisins.

How do I cure cold fast?

Adequate rest, proper hydration, steam, over-the-counter medicines, and warm saltwater gargle are some of the ways to cure cold instantly. If these don’t work, consult a doctor.

What drinks help to cure colds?

Water, Green Tea, warm lemon water, ginger and turmeric tea, turmeric milk, black tea, and warm spiced buttermilk are some of the most effective drinks during cold.

What are some quick ways to unblock my nose?

Consider steam inhalation, nasal strips, saline nasal spray, spicy food, or over-the-counter decongestants to relieve blocked nose quickly.

What are the herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat colds?

Turmeric, ginger, licorice, and peppermint are some of the most in-demand ingredients used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat cold.

If you found this article informative, you might like to read about 8 Tips to Stay Healthy in Winter next.

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