Greenwashing : How many times do we see the label of 100% organic or 100% Green on any product? Many a time I guess. This is an example of greenwashing. This example is for the layman to understand.
Event Highlighting Greenwashing
At the COP27 meeting at Sharm el-Sheikh, the term ‘Greenwashing’ appears for the first time. Mr. Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General warned of strict actions against this. We all remember the look of Greta when glancing at former President Mr. Trump. That frown raised many questions. For many, it was the establishment of the seriousness of Climate Change. (Read our article on Climate Change at
Greenwashing is the deliberate hiding of facts and figures by firms and countries to make the activities look environmentally friendly. They report false activities allegedly leading to lower levels of emissions or to a total reduction in carbon emissions.
Usually, the claims made in the domain of greenwashing are vague and have no proof. They are intangible enough that they can’t be verified. There are huge benefits for key players. Greenwashing in totality is a lie to the authorities.
Firms with Benefits from Greenwashing
The Benefit to Firms. It helps them maintain a clean image and reap profits in most cases. Sometimes it helps them get those extra sales and sometimes some extra bucks. Though not all firms do it deliberately, some do it by mistake.
Harm. It makes an illusion at the world forum about the positive changes being made in the aspect of climate change. This impacts the overall action plan to tackle rising levels of Climate Change.
What is Green & What is Greenwashing
There is a lack of clarity as to which activity is green and which is not. There are no clear guidelines. No set of rules. What is available is just a few intangible spoken norms and forged ethics. These are mostly vague and are prone to bending and mending.
Cashing on the confusion are some firms that claim to provide clarity in such cases. They provide some sort of consultancy and stamping. In most cases, their sole purpose is to make money is an ever-growing opportunity.
Such entities not only risk their reputation but also that of their respective countries. These firms or entities may be lacking the knowledge but then who has? The case in point is to know whether these firms are deliberately doing this or not. Maybe all this is to earn some extra credits. Or carbon credits.
Role of Governments
With the world now being multipolar, the task at hand for international organizations is increasingly getting harder. There is no regulatory or centralized governing body. This calls for governments and policymakers to be more deliberate.
Regulatory Authorities to avoid Greenwashing
There is a requirement for regulatory authorities in nations as well. Proposed to be working hand in hand with the international organization. These will be the think tanks for the nation and responsible for formulating policies.
Increased Awareness
Maximum cases of greenwashing are due to the lack of tangible knowledge. As a proposal, the aspects related to Climate Change can form a part of the major subject in schools and colleges. Further, mass publicity of government subsidies related to Climate change is to be carried out.
Enhanced Credibility
The role of the regulatory bodies will be of enhanced credibility. Strong unethical sentiments Greenwashing. This will be possible only with the upsurge in trust. The trust would be built with strong work ethics and strong policing.
Medhini is of the strong opinion that Climate Change is to be tackled with all will & might at the earliest. Mother Earth is to be rescued from this evil. It is our duty to leave behind a better planet for future generations. This is only possible with a holistic approach and appropriate monitoring mechanisms.