Easy Way to Meditate For Beginners. Meditation is a powerful tool to understand your mind and get in touch with your inner self. All this is possible while you are untouched by the world’s chaos. 

The very idea of meditation is not to control your thoughts but to stop them from controlling you. It is like talking to the inner universe.


But despite knowing these facts, why do we not meditate regularly? Or most of us find it too difficult to meditate. There is various reason for this problem. Some of them will be addressed in this article. 

Common Meditation Problems.

Unstoppable Thoughts

It is a state of mind when we are not able to concentrate our mind at a place of our choosing. 

The harder we try; it becomes, even more, it harder to concentrate there. The mind becomes like a monkey. 

It catches on to one thought and then starts jumping from one thought to another. Spiritual Health deals with this monkey mindedness. There are various ways to maintain your spiritual health. Read our blog here.


It is that feeling of anxiousness in our mind when we just sit down for meditation. 

Our mind becomes anxious just because we are not habitual to the idea of meditation. 

Our mind knows that it is going to be controlled in a difficult way. This leaves it in a state of restlessness. 


Laziness while Meditating. This happens when we are new to meditation. It is the next stage of our mind trying hard to fight being controlled. 

After we have fought the restlessness and sat down for meditation, our mind’s next line of defense is laziness while meditation. We tend to sleep while meditating. 

Difficulty in Visualization

Most people who are new to meditation find it hard to visualize the mind’s paradise in meditation.

What one should visualize during meditation is a matter of personality. It depends on person to person. 

Some people see various shades of colors while meditation and find it disturbing. Some of us will find it easy to meditate if we see these colors. 

Lack of Time

Most of us plan our meditation during the morning hours. This is the best time to meditate. 

But then our morning hours are too busy to sit down, relax and meditate. There are various tasks at hand during the morning.

Morning Business


Getting Ready


Getting the kids ready for school 

Taking the pet out for a stroll 

All these things usually take priority over meditation. With which our mind is already fighting. 

The list of problems while meditation is long and we can go on with it. But the idea is to address these problems as a whole. So, there are two basic ways to meditate better. 

Two Options: Easy Way to Meditate For Beginners

Option 1.

To train our minds to fight these problems. This is time-consuming and might leave us frustrated before meditation. It is a way of directly tackling the mind’s fear.

Option 2.

Not to indulge in directly controlling the mind but to take an indirect approach. It is done by adopting the right technique and habits to meditate. 

So which option seems better? 

Option 2 is better because it is not time-consuming and will not leave us frustrated in long run. 

Best and Easy Ways to Meditate.

Set a Fixed Time.

It is best to meditate at the same time daily. This will help the mind in various ways:

Mind’s Preparation: The mind will prepare itself for the time coming. 

Mind’s Scheduling: Mind Scheduling. The tasks at hand will be adjusted accordingly. 

Decision: There will not be much thought about deciding when to meditate. It will be easy for the mind to decide when to meditate. 

Good Body Posture: Easy Way to Meditate For Beginners.

Practice Good Posture. It will be very helpful if we sit in a perfect pose for meditation. It does not have to be too stressful. 

As a beginner, we can start by just sitting with a straight back, folded legs, and hands on our knees. Palms facing upwards and index finger joining the thumb. The index finger part can be practiced once you get comfortable with the body pose. 


It is for those who are still not able to meditate. Reading helps you to meditate unconsciously. While meditation is not the reading of common literature. 

We should read some religious literature. Like the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, or the Vedas. Similarly, one can read the Bible or the Guru Granth Sahib. 

Short Time for Meditation

Only a Few Minutes to Meditate. We should not try to meditate for long hours. It will be very tiring and depressing at the beginning. 

Try meditating just for 4-5 minutes in the beginning. Once we are comfortable with this time then we can improve upon our time constantly. 

Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation is a technique when the experts help us in meditating better. They guide us with their voice and we just have to follow. Guided Meditation is like someone is showing us the way by holding our hands. it becomes quite easy.

These days videos and podcasts are also available to guide us. 

These can simply be downloaded from open source and used when required. 


Recommendations. Meditation is like a hug to our inner selves. With deep meditation, we become more and more of us.

In this world of chaos and stress, meditation proves to be a major stress buster. It not only improves our mental health but also enhances our performance during daily activities – Tweet This

Read our article on Mental Health for more benefits.

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