Author – Cal Newport

Country – USA

Genre – Personal Development

Pages – 296 (Indian Version)

Publisher – Grand Central Publishing

Published in  – 2016

Cost – Rs 399

Illustrations  – Nil

Who would benefit – Students, Entrepreneurs & Common Populace

Strength of Book

The book is logically divided into 2 Parts and 7 seven chapters within them. The vast array of examples in the book makes it interesting to understand. It brings out contemporary topics in a very subtle way. Various rules find mentioned in the book along with suitable examples. The various aspects of focus, willpower, focus time frame, and success finds mentioned. 

Weakness of Book

The lack of illustrations makes it a bit monotonous at times. The names finding mentioned in the examples are less known and are relatable to few people. The time to establish the importance of Deep Work in the book is more. The reader tends to read fast to get to the next part. 

About the Author

Cal Newport is of American origin. He was born in 1982. After his Pd.D in Computer science, he joined Georgetown University in 2011. The author is a study hack blogger. He coined the term Deep work in this book. Newport believes in the minimalization of digital aspects in our life. 

Summary of the Book.  The book is divided into 7 chapters contained in two Parts.


1. Deep Work is Valuable

The author establishes the requirement of deep work. The book states that three groups will have an advantage viz those who work well, those who are best in trade, and those with access to capital. The requirement of deep work to thrive finds mention. The working mechanism of neurons in connection with the Myelin is responsible for the fast working of neurons. This usually comes with lots of practice of the same things. 

2. Deep Work is Rare

Facebook designed its new office keeping no personal spaces. Similarly is the case with Twitter. Later the book mentions the Metric black hole. It is the lack of tangible measurements in the field of deep work. Some companies force visible progress with regular meetings. Small routine engagements take up a lot of time off our schedule. The most commonly established proxy for productivity is visible busyness. Deep Work is a great disadvantage in the world of technology. And a great advantage if adopted.  

2. Deep Work is Meaningful

An argument for Deep Work is explainable from the neurological point of view. The more we think about something the more we become focused on it. If we change our attention then the outcome will also change. So, we have to be very deliberate in choosing what we respond to. It is also established psychologically. Work is easier to enjoy than free time. Whatever work we do, is a craft and we can be very good at it. With Deep Work. We need a good approach rather than a good job. 


1. Work Deeply

David Dewane’s ideal machine is an attempt toward deep work. It is the proposed architecture of a focus-forming office layout. It will help users to get into a state of Deep Focus in a phased manner. Our willpower is a finite amount and it keeps on depleting once we use it. To preserve it we need to add rituals to our routine. There are various methods that help the state of Deep work. One has to be rhythmic, i.e., to achieve a state where a minimum investment of energy is required to start. 

2.  We can eliminate the simplest scheduling decisions by simply being rhythmic. To support the Deep Work by routines that make sure that some progress is made every day. Various other ways include making a big gesture, never working alone, and to ritualize.  The journey from what to how is through deep work only. Another way can be to be lazy about harmful obligations. 

3. Embrace Boredom

This is about the constant requirement for something to please us when we are bored. There should be no requirement to glance at the phone when we are waiting or we are bored. If we do so then we are heavily dependent on the smartphone and are easily distracted. As a suggested remedy one can plan the time for distractions well in advance. This will force our minds not to give in to the temptations of using the internet of smartphone too frequently. 

4.  We can block schedule our time for internet and for work. Then follow it rigorously. Then comes the idea of productive meditation. It is deep thinking while doing some routine work. It is to do something physically but mentally. The mental state is deeply focused on something else. Then the book brings out the importance of picturization for memorization. 

5. Quit Social Media

Social media comes with the fake advantages of social connectivity, it is up to us to decide whether it is beneficial for us or not. Newport brings out various methods that are useful to decide whether one particular social media handle is required by us or not. To adopt the tool only if it is useful to the aim of the individual. One can quit for the trial of 30 days and then see whom all missed him/her on the handle. We will be surprised to know that very few people will miss us. This technique is also beneficial to prepare for exams. Read our blog on this here.

6.  Basically, our handles convince us that if we don’t use then we will miss out. That one month of time free from social media will be our focus on reality. Another valuable perception provided by the book is about our perception of the day. It is not 9 AM to 5 PM that is our day. But the time other than that is our day. We are required to put more thought s into our leisure time. 

7. Drain Shallows

One must plan every minute of the day. Block planning is also good. It finds mentioned in. the book. Another idea is to finish the work by 5:30 PM every day. To finish off the work then and there. It will obviously require Deep Work. 

Recommendations.    Medhini recommends this book for all. The great insights help us to build a world that supports focus around ourselves.  A good book with a clear thought process. Readers can also read about building Good Habits.

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